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湾区BQ 宝宝赶集日

发表于 2017-5-26 01:29:56 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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本帖最后由 Youzong 于 2017-5-26 01:31 编辑

由NFF和BQ地产合主办, BQ地产集团协办儿童户外活动- BQ宝宝赶集日。我们热诚的邀请小朋友来参加我们的活动。我们的活动宗旨是让社区的小朋友增加互动,增进感情及交流,从小锻炼小朋友的社交能力和实际生活能力。希望小朋友们把看过的书籍或不用的物品拿过来与其他的小朋友分享。对表演有兴趣的小朋友也可以准备一些节目。现场还有各种有趣的儿童活动。并设有抽奖机会。赶紧来报名吧!
举办单位:NFF (Neighbors, Friend and Family is a non profit organization- 致力於社區交流及服务)和湾区BQ地产联合主办
参加资格及年龄范围:3yrs up的小朋友 , 请阅读签署免责申明
活动时间:2017年6月3号10:30 PM to 1:30PM

1. 闲置物品交易,如果家有孩子,请让孩子成为买和卖的主角,练习使用各种硬币和小额纸币。家长可从旁指导

2. 在家和孩子一起给自己的店铺取个店名、做个招牌,给要售卖的物品定好价格,贴上价签。

3. 带上充足的1刀、5刀的纸币和各种硬币,适量的10刀纸币。

4 参加过前几次活动的家庭,可以提前和孩子一起总结经验,思考如何吸引顾客、扩大销路。

5. 可销售的商品不局限于自家用过的书籍、玩具、衣物,还可以卖气球、贝壳、手工制作、铅笔、巧克力……

2. 在现场报名, 领取表演号码

1. 按到达次序在指定区域陈列物品。
2. 让孩子当老板,收钱、找零。或者让孩子“当家”,讨价还价、付钱。


BQ 地产网址: www.bqrealtygroup.com

Event disclaimer and limitation of liability: By registering the event, you agree the following: your participation in 6/3/2017 event is at your sole and exclusive risk. The host of any event may refuse admittance, may charge an admission fee, or ask you to leave an event at any time for any reason.By attending the event you agree and understand that in connection with your participation in any event or activity, you may be exposed to a variety of hazards and risks, foreseen or unforeseen, which may or may not be inherent in those activities and events. These inherent risks include, but are not limited to, the dangers of serious personal injury, property damage, and death (injuries and damages) from exposure to the hazards of public or private outings and activities and BQ Group Inc has not tried to contradict or minimize your understanding of these risks. You agree and understand that injuries and damages can occur by natural causes or by the acts of other persons or third parties, either as a result of negligence or because of other reasons.You are personally responsible for all costs and/or risks associated with any public or private event or activity. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary herein, to the fullest extent allowed by law, you agree to waive, discharge claims, release from all liability and indemnify and hold harmless BQ Group Inc. its subsidiaries, affiliates, officers, agents, and other partners and employees, from any and all liability on account of, or in any way resulting from injuries and damages in any way connected with any events or activities.You agree and understand and intend that this assumption of risk and release be binding upon you and your heirs, executors, agents, administrators and assigns, and includes any minors accompanying user at the events. Children must be supervised by a responsible adult.


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