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热度 20已有 1677 次阅读2012-8-18 23:26 |系统分类:幸福家庭

应女儿学校newsletter的征稿,写了这篇题为myfirst camping trip 的文章。在这儿与大家一起分享camping的经历,希望大家不介意是英文的。
My first Camping Trip

The weather has not been promising this summer .We finally saw the sun shinning all day long.in the beginning of July.Luckily it was just before we went on our first camping.

With my friend Lina’s family.we went camping in Tofino for 3 nights .

It was full of fun and adventure,here is my experience to share with you ,especially with those who want to go camping but have not yet.

  1. Going camping with a friend will make your trip easier and more fun .
  2. Good weather is very important for camping.So try to make a good choice for the dates of camping when you do the planning.
  3. Get fully prepared before you go.Lina is a good trip planner.,we had a meeting one week before the trip and we almost got everything we needed ready.
  4. The part I loved a lot was the BBQ.We brought a lot of BBQ food from home,also we bought a whole fresh salmon from the fisherman for BBQ.Cooking and eating with friends in the forest is awesome..
  5. Kids never had enough time on the beach.We went to Long Beach the next day,where the kids had a lot of fun and didn’t want to go back until they got soaking wet.
  6. The third day,moms and kids played Mini Golf and dads played real thing.Everybody had a great time ,even though the little ones ended up making fishing poles with the twigs and leaves and fishing in the pond of the golf course.
  7. We planned to go to Torquay Bay  to pick some oysters .After a long bumpy drive,we arrived there,finding out that it was not the right time for oysters.But the kids had a lot of fun collecting  the oyster shells and splashing in the water.

 I love camping.I love sleeping in the nature,listening to the sound of the ocean and even the cawing of the crows early in the morning.

If you have never camped  before,just try it this summer.I promise you will love it just like me.






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回复 wineheart 2012-8-18 23:49
回复 zhanma 2012-8-19 00:25
回复 superkid 2012-8-19 00:57
wineheart: 请问这个是博主本人还是博主女儿写的?听起来像博主的口吻。写得不错。
回复 superkid 2012-8-19 01:00
zhanma: 都是很有用的信息!谢谢分享。可惜那个充分准备,对我们来说不容易做到。经常是想到哪里玩,就临时决定出发了。
回复 zhanma 2012-8-19 01:37
superkid: 我的体会就是,几天以上的旅途要好好准备。这样玩得更轻松快乐。我们刚刚完成了15天的加州自驾游,有空再跟大家分享。
回复 华仁 2012-8-19 01:43
回复 华仁 2012-8-19 01:48
忘了说了,你写得很好,很真实。不过不妨也写写孩子或者大人在野营时候发生的点滴有趣故事,一家人的亲情,或者两家人的友谊,我都很感兴趣。孩子们去野营的时候有害怕吗?你们晚上看到星星了吗?要小便的时候怎么解决的啊?是和很多家庭一起在一个camping ground吗?
回复 sonhill 2012-8-19 02:40
回复 Qmin 2012-8-19 10:28
我喜欢这一句: "I love sleeping in the nature,listening to the sound of the ocean and even the cawing of the crows early in the morning."
回复 LindaLi 2012-8-20 01:46
哈哈,博主有个typo,应该是crowing of the crows吧?加拿大的乌鸦真是又黑又亮又大啊!
回复 superkid 2012-8-20 15:46
LindaLi: 哈哈,博主有个typo,应该是crowing of the crows吧?加拿大的乌鸦真是又黑又亮又大啊!
Thanks for reminding.It is supposed to be cawing.I 've already corrected it.
回复 Qmin 2012-9-5 09:50
改了改了, crowing也是可以用的, but -- 尊重原著.
回复 superkid 2012-9-5 16:19
Qmin: 改了改了, crowing也是可以用的, but -- 尊重原著.
回复 yunna1978 2012-10-6 08:35
回复 Maple 2012-10-10 08:06
回复 呀咕 2013-1-18 20:24

facelist doodle 涂鸦板

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