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Princess自言自语道,"I am going to wear my hello kitten pajamas, I haven't wear them for 4 days or 6 days.I guess 6 is a big number,4 too,because I am 4, and I am a big girl.2 must be a small number,because the smallest person in my class is 2,and she is still wearing diaper and she needs a lot of help every day."妈妈无意当中听到得。:)
  • tweet: 话匣子公主?哈哈,超级可爱! (1-28 23:24)
  • pwwp: 很温馨啊,女儿在那边厢自话自说,妈妈这边厢屏气凝神偷听,脸上露出幸福满足的微笑..... (1-29 01:23)
  • superkid: My job is listening and recording.:) (1-29 12:11)
  • pwwp: 据说美国老师的主要任务也是observing and recording。 (2-5 18:52)
  • 华仁: 小公主爱琢磨,还用言语表达出来,很难得啊! (1-29 01:35)
  • blueberry: 有趣!小小孩不知道自己被大小孩嫌小啊。 (1-29 02:20)
2014-1-28 21:58 回复|


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